Manage My Plan

Dental benefit management made easy

As an Employers Dental Services (EDS) plan member, you can conveniently and easily make plan changes and requests.

All Employers Dental Services plan members

Request a new ID card. Just fill out a Member Request form.

Change my dentist. We encourage you to build a strong, long-lasting relationship with your dentist. However, if you’d like to change your dentist, submit a Member Request form to us before contacting the new dentist.

  • All changes received by the 24th of each month will be effective the first day of the following month.
  • Eligibility will be sent to your new dentist.

Refer a dentist to EDS. Is there a dentist you think should join our network? Submit a Member Request form.

Individual plan members

Update my address. Use the Member Request form to submit your new address.

Change my dependents, payment method, or bank information. Complete and mail an Individual Change form to us.

Pay my annual renewal bill. You’ll receive a renewal notice. You can either mail the notice and a check to us, or follow the instructions on the notice to pay by credit card.

Group plan members

Change my address or dependents. Contact your employer to help you make these updates.

Need a dentist?

Search by location, name, availability, or specialty.

Employers Dental Services, Inc., is a member of the Principal Financial Group®.

This is an advertisement for a pre-paid dental plan. Dental Plan offered by Employers Dental Services, Tucson, AZ 85718. This plan is licensed by the AZ Dept of Insurance as a pre-paid dental plan. Members enroll in the plan for a monthly fee. Members select a dentist from a list of contracted dentists who have agreed to charge the “Member Cost” fee for services. A member pays the “Member Cost” at the time of service. Additional terms and conditions may apply. For cost and coverage details, refer to your EDS Enrollment and Coverage Guide. Available only in Arizona.
